Competition Policy: theory and practice

Subtitle :

Abstract :
This book offers a complete, rigorous, and accessible treatment of antitrust (or competition policy) issues, and it is enriched by frequent references to antitrust cases and a few fully developed case studies. Although it can be used as an economics textbook in graduate or advanced undergraduate courses, the book is accessible to lawyers, practitioners, and all readers who are interested in anti-trust issues, but are not familiar with modern economics. The formalisation of the material covered in the main non-technical sections is relegated to separate "technical" sections that can be skipped without losing continuity.

Registration No : B2454
Author :
Massimo Motta

Edition :
Impresum : New York/; Cambridge University Press, 2004
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 0-521-81663-7

1. 200 - ECONOMIC COMMUNITY / 240.1 - COMPETITIVE ECONOMIC - Competition Policy

Keyword :
1 Competition Policy

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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