The Economic of International Integration

Subtitle :

Abstract :
The book builds on and extends earlier research and publications by the author and presents new and up-to-date material. The author continues to broaden and deepen traditional integration theory using a new model that incorporates market imperfections such as economies of scale, foreign direct investment and an evolutionary approach to the spatial location of firms and industries. This reflects modern approaches to trade, competition, investment and the geographical distribution of production. The main theoretical types of integration - free trade areas, customs unions, common markets and economic unions - are discussed in detail with the help of a number of practical examples. These considerations have a European slant as this is the area where economic integration has the deepest meaning and because the EU serves as a model for a number of integration groups elsewhere in the world. The book also covers integration in the Americas, the Pacific region, South-East Asia and Africa. The concluding chapter outlines the accumulated experiences of economic integration throughout the world and provides guidelines to assist in steering integration through the mist that obscures the future. Providing an excellent understanding of the complex issues involved with international economic integration, this volume will be extremely valuable for students of international economics, development and international business.

Registration No : B853
Author :
Miroslav N. Jovanovic

Edition :
Impresum : Massachusetts: Edward Elgar, 2006
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 1-84542-271-6

1. 200 - ECONOMIC COMMUNITY / 200 -

Keyword :
1 economic integration

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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