Globalisation and the New Terror

Subtitle : The Asia Pasific Dimension

Abstract :
This rigorously analytical yet readable book examines trends in new terror - understood here to be the capacity of sub-state actors to secure religious or politically motivated objectives by violent means. The contributors argue that whilst the use of violence to achieve political ends is scarcely original, what distinguishes new terror is its potential for lethality. This, combined with its evolving capacity to draw upon the resources of globalisation, particularly the revolution in communications which has advanced global markets, has also rendered them, and the more developed core states in the international trading order, increasingly vulnerable to asymmetric threats.

Registration No : B1105
Author :
David Martin Jones (ed.)

Edition :
Impresum : United Kingdom: Edward Elgar, 2004
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 1-84376-442-3

1. 100 - POLITICAL- SECURITY COMMUNITY / 130.1 - NON-TRADITIONAL SECURITY CHALLENGES - Transnational Crime (counter-terrorism, trafficking, drug matters, torture, apartheid)

Keyword :
1 terror
2 globalisation

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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