Stoping AIDS, Acting Together

Subtitle : Strategic framework for the third ASEAN Work Programme on HIV and AIDS

Abstract :
The Third ASEAN Work Programme on HIV and AIDS (2006-2010) or the AWPIII is an integral programme area of the Vientiane Action Programme (2004-2010) or the VAP. It gives effect to ASEAN’s continued commitment in supporting responses to the HIV epidemic, particularly through the use of inter-country and regional initiatives which are consistent with the VAP. At the time of the VAP’s formulation, most activities of the Second ASEAN Work Programme on HIV/AIDS or the AWPII were nearing completion. The Vientiane Action Programme thus includes recognition that specific initiatives will need to be revised and improved, and others added, during its timeframe.

Registration No : B1142
Author :
ASEAN Secretariat

Edition :
Impresum : Jakarta: ASEAN Secretariat, 2006
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 979-3496-22-3

1. 300 - SOSIO-CULTURAL COMMUNITY / 360.1 - Health and Communicable Diseases - Communicable Diseases

Keyword :
1 hiv/AIDS
2 asean

Availability :
Hard copies 3 of 3

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