East Timor

Subtitle : Development Challenges for the Worlds Newest Nation

Abstract :
The challenges facing an independent East Timor are particularly acute. It is not only one of the poorest nations on earth but the terrible events of 1999 have also destroyed much of the countrys buildings and infrastructure, as well as the nations bureaucratic and commercial capacity. The decisions and the policy framework adopted in the early years by the leaders of this new nation will be critical.This book is an original work written by experts and well-known specialists in the field. It assembles all the latest information about the economy, assesses future policy options, and draws on lessons of international experience for this new nation. It is perhaps the only book about East Timor with this coverage and will be invaluable to those who are interested in developments in the region.

Registration No : B1231
Author :
Hal Hill
Joao M. Saldanha

Edition :
Impresum : Singapore: ISEAS, 2001
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-981-230-140-6


Keyword :
1 timor timur
2 country
3 freedom

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 2

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