Southeast Asian Affairs 1999

Subtitle :

Abstract :
Southeast Asian Affairs, of which there are now twenty-six in the series, is a review of significant developments and trends in the region, with particular emphasis on ASEAN countries. The publication aims primarily at giving the enquiring reader a broad grasp of current regional affairs. Readable and easily understood analyses are made of major political, economic, social, and strategic develoments within Southeast Asia.

Registration No : B1235
Author :
Daljit Singh (ed.)

Edition :
Impresum : Singapore: ISEAS, 2001
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 981-230-052-X

1. 000 - ASEAN / 010 - MEMBER STATES

Keyword :
1 asean
2 affair
3 institute

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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