Southeast Asian Affairs 2001

Subtitle :

Abstract :
Southeast Asian Affairs, of which there are now twenty-eight in the series, is an annual review of significant developments and trends in the region. Though the emphasis is on ASEAN countries, developments in the broader Asia-Pacific region are not ignored. Readable and easily understood analyses are offered of major political, economic, social, and strategic developments within Southeast Asia. The contributions can be divided into two broad categories. There are those which provide an analysis of major developments during 2000 in individual Southeast Asian countries and in the region generally. Then there are the theme articles of a more specialized nature which deal with topical problems of concern. This volume contains twenty-three articles, dealing with such major themes as international conflict and co-operation, political stability, and economic growth and development.

Registration No : B1236
Author :
Daljit Singh (ed.)

Edition :
Impresum : Singapore: ISEAS, 2001
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 981-230-128-3

1. 000 - ASEAN / 010 - MEMBER STATES

Keyword :
1 asean
2 affair
3 institute

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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