Piracy in Southeast Asia

Subtitle : status, issues and responses

Abstract :
Piracy in Southeast Asia seeks to provide a strong analysis of piracy in a Southeast Asian context by focusing on the characteristics and suppression of piracy. This book is a foundational volume that incorporates the combined work of eight authors and, in doing so, poses questions in a myriad of difficult issues related to modern piracy in Southeast Asia. These issues include international maritime law, sovereignty over territorial waters, nation state operational capabilities for piracy suppression, the role of shipping operators and insurers, the relationship between piracy and terrorism and the state of co-operation between nation states in piracy suppression. It is a concise and valuable resource for those interested in modern piracy and for future littoral conflicts in the arc of instability.

Registration No : B130
Author :
Derek Johnson and Mark Valencia (editors)

Edition :
Impresum : Singapore: ISEAS, 2005
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 981230276X

1. 100 - POLITICAL- SECURITY COMMUNITY / 130.1 - NON-TRADITIONAL SECURITY CHALLENGES - Transnational Crime (counter-terrorism, trafficking, drug matters, torture, apartheid)

Keyword :
1 piracy

Availability :
Hard copies 2 of 2

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