International Intellectual Property Law and Policy

Subtitle :

Abstract :
This clearly written casebook discusses public international intellectual property law (the obligations regarding intellectual property protection undertaken and imposed on states) found in treaties and similar instruments. It includes extracts from many of the classic exegeses on the topic combined with a wealth of up-to-date sources and aims to be a teaching and learning vehicle that enables students to engage fully with the topic. The Second Edition covers the international intellectual property ìarchitectureî, the development of the public international law of intellectual property, private international law (conflicts), and enforcement of rights. In addition, the book provides detailed coverage of international copyright and industrial property law and it analyzes the processes by which international norms are domesticated (or resisted). Extensive notes, questions, and fact patterns explore the materials in more detail and tease out many of the fascinating policy questions and concerns that this topic provokes. Given its scope, this book also serves as an invaluable ìdesk-top referenceî for further research and analysis. The Second Edition of International Intellectual Property Law and Policy builds upon the success of the First Edition, which has been a market leader in this field since its publication in 2001. Much of the book has undergone substantial revision and has benefited from very constructive feedback received from professors and students. The Second Edition includes coverage of regimes regulating human health and access to medicine, environmental protection and access to genetic resources, digital communications and access to information, and human rights. It also includes expanded coverage of the intellectual property standards increasingly common in regional and bilateral free trade agreements.

Registration No : B1308
Author :
Graeme B. Dinwoodie
William. Hennessey
Shira Perlmutter []

Edition : 2
Impresum : San Fransisco: LexisNexis, 2008
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-0-8250-7028-0

1. 200 - ECONOMIC COMMUNITY / 240.4 - COMPETITIVE ECONOMIC - Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Keyword :
1 intellectual
2 property

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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