Competition Policy and Law in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan

Subtitle :

Abstract :
This book provides a comprehensive guide to the competition regimes of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Chinese developments are placed in the context of the adoption of competition regimes by developing and transitional states worldwide and also in relation to the influence of trans-national organisations on transitional states to adopt market-based economic strategies. The book adopts an inter-disciplinary approach considering the political, economic and legal issues relevant to competition policy adoption. The paradoxical phenomenon of Communist mainland China seeking to adopt a pro-competition law, whilst capitalist Hong Kong refuses to do so, is explained and contrasted with the successful Taiwanese adoption of a competition regime over a decade ago. The underlying economic and political forces that have shaped this unusual matrix are discussed and analysed with a theoretical explanation offered for its consequences.

Registration No : B1347
Author :
Mark Williams

Edition :
Impresum : New York: Cambrie University Press, 2005
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 0-521-83631-X

1. 200 - ECONOMIC COMMUNITY / 240.1 - COMPETITIVE ECONOMIC - Competition Policy

Keyword :
1 competition
2 law

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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