
Subtitle : colors of the Philippines

Abstract :
Bahaghari: colors of the Philippines romances the scientific and artistic dimension of natural dyes. It reveals colors according to how nature defines them. These colors are correlated to emotions and meanings that are relevant and significant to Filipinos. The myriad of shades from dye-yielding botanical are immortalized in Philippine fabrics using eco-friedly technologies in the extraction and application of these plant pigments as textile dyes. The book celebrates the triumph of natural dyes as they evolve from an age old craft to an indispensable textile coloration alternative.

Registration No : B1421
Author :
Julius L. Leano Jr and Jenice P. Malabanan

Edition :
Impresum : Taguig City: Philippine Textile Research Institute
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-971-94244-1-3

1. 300 - SOSIO-CULTURAL COMMUNITY / 310.1 - CULTURE & INFORMATION - Culture and Arts

Keyword :
1 textile

Availability :
Hard copies 2 of 2

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