The ASEAN Reader

Subtitle :

Abstract :
he ASEAN Reader is a mosaic of research material on ASEAN meticulously culled and crafted by a multi-disciplinary team of ISEAS researchers, from thousands of pieces of scholarly research which had been published on ASEAN between1967 and 1991. A subsequent follow-up volume, The 2nd ASEAN Reader, covers the period 1992 to 2003. The ASEAN Reader is divided into ten comprehensive sections. There is a general introduction to the volume as well as introductions specific to each of the sections. Every effort has been made to ensure that disciplinary, as well as historical developments, have received broad representation, and that there is a balance of points-of-view reflected in the mix of Asian and Western scholars.

Registration No : B1643
Author :
K.S. Shandhu
Sharon Shiddique (eds.)

Edition :
Impresum : Singapore: ISEAS, 1992
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 981-3016-41-8

1. 000 - ASEAN / 010 - MEMBER STATES

Keyword :

Availability :
Hard copies 3 of 3

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