ASEAN and Human Trafficking

Subtitle : case studies of Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam

Abstract :
Trafficking in persons is a serious crime that affects the human rights, dignity and integrity of all its victims including women, men, and children in the Association of Southeast Asia Nation (ASEAN) region. ASEAN has made efforts to fight human trafficking through inter alia the establishment of regional counter-human trafficking laws and human rights bodies to establish best norms and practices for its member countries. Nevertheless, the International Labour Organization (ILO) recently declared that there are more than 11.7 million forced labor victims in the Asia-Pacific region encompassing the biggest concentration of forced labour victims in the world. This volume reviews the achievements and the deficiencies of ASEAN’s counter-human strategies at the national and regional level. It offers suggestions for the reform of ASEAN's anti-trafficking laws and for the creation of a regional anti-trafficking human rights body specialized in preventing human trafficking, promoting equal protection of all trafficking victims, and prosecuting human traffickers.

Registration No : B1674
Author :
Naparat Kranrattanasuit

Edition :
Impresum : Leiden: Brill Nijhoff, 2014
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-90-04-26517-2

1. 100 - POLITICAL- SECURITY COMMUNITY / 130.1 - NON-TRADITIONAL SECURITY CHALLENGES - Transnational Crime (counter-terrorism, trafficking, drug matters, torture, apartheid)

Keyword :
1 human trafficking

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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