ASEAN Regional Guideline for Minimum Requirements for Training and Accreditation of Skilled Birth Attendants (SBA)

Subtitle :

Abstract :
After a series of consultations, the ASEAN Health Ministers Meeting (AHMM) and Senior Officials Meeting on Health Development (SOMHD) through the ASEAN Task Force on Maternal and Child Health (ATFMCH), with support from relevant stakeholders, have endorsed the first ASEAN Regional Guidelines for Minimum Requirement for Training and Accreditation of Skilled Birth Attendants.The guidelines provide critical information on the required core competencies of SBAs in ASEAN, the standards for their training programmes, as well as the relevant requirements for training institutions and for the assessment and accreditation of SBAs.

Registration No : B1801
Author :
ASEAN Secretariat

Edition :
Impresum : Jakarta: ASEAN Secretariat, 2014
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-616-361-801-6

1. 300 - SOSIO-CULTURAL COMMUNITY / 360 - Health and Communicable Diseases

Keyword :
1 birth attendants

Availability :
Hard copies 4 of 4

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