Consumer Protection Digests and Case Studies

Subtitle : a policy guide volume 1

Abstract :
In recent years ASEAN has made significant progress towards the establishment of an integrated ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). The AEC Blueprint outlines strengthening consumer protection as an important component under the 'Competitive Economic Region' pillar. In implementing actions towards more robust consumer protection systems, ASEAN Member States (AMS) have demonstrated their commitment to ensure that the benefits of economic integration flow to consumers as well as businesses. However, increased globalisation, cross border purchasing, changes in consumer demographics and advances in technological innovation are having significant influences on business and consumer behaviour in ASEAN countries. These developments require that more effort be made towards advancing the ASEAN consumer protection agenda.

Registration No : B1835
Author :
ASEAN Secretariat

Edition :
Impresum : Jakarta: ASEAN Secretariat, 2014
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-602-0980-08-9

1. 200 - ECONOMIC COMMUNITY / 240.2 - COMPETITIVE ECONOMIC - Consumer Protection

Keyword :

Availability :
Hard copies 2 of 2

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