Migrant Smuggling in Asia

Subtitle : current trends and related challenges

Abstract :
The Migrant Smuggling in Asia report is the result of an intensive effort to develop regional capacity for information generation and sharing and highlights the importance of addressing migrant smuggling and related crime in the region. Covering 28 States and territories, the report is unique, providing a comprehensive overview of the complexities of migrant smuggling.

Registration No : B1853
Author :
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Edition :
Impresum : Bangkok: Thailand, 2015
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-974-680-393-9

1. 100 - POLITICAL- SECURITY COMMUNITY / 130.1 - NON-TRADITIONAL SECURITY CHALLENGES - Transnational Crime (counter-terrorism, trafficking, drug matters, torture, apartheid)

Keyword :
1 migrant smuggling

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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