Transnational Organized Crime in East Asia and the Pacific

Subtitle : a threat assessment

Abstract :
East Asia and the Pacific have experienced rapid economic and social changes during the past few decades and faced the considerable regulation challenges these changes create for public authorities. This report takes a look at the manner in which criminal enterprises have developed alongside legitimate commerce in recent years. Drawing on official statistics, academic studies, and interviews with law enforcement officials, it attempts to outline something about the mechanics of illicit trade: the how, where, when, who, and why of selected contraband markets affecting the region. It also endeavours to give the best reading of the available data on the size of these markets. Though the list of contraband markets discussed is not comprehensive and it is impossible to quantify the value of these markets with any precision, these estimates are offered to prompt public debate on areas of great public policy significance.

Registration No : B1854
Author :
United Nations

Edition :
Impresum : [s.l]: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Description :
Language : English


1. 100 - POLITICAL- SECURITY COMMUNITY / 130.1 - NON-TRADITIONAL SECURITY CHALLENGES - Transnational Crime (counter-terrorism, trafficking, drug matters, torture, apartheid)

Keyword :
1 transnational crime

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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