Dispute Settlement Mechanism Under the ASEAN Legal Frameworks

Subtitle : a collective commitment creating the rules-based ASEAN economic community

Abstract :
This book will answer why clear and certain regulations and credible dispute settlement mechanism are the main keys for ASEAN countries to achieve their vision in transforming the ASEAN region into a single market and production base. Ricardo takes us into perspective to integrate ASEAN commercial law into ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) protocol.

Registration No : B1866
Author :
Ricardo Simanjuntak

Edition : First edition
Impresum : Jakarta: Kontan, [2015]
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 9786029893793

1. 000 - ASEAN / 060.3 - LEGAL COOPERATION - Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution - Dispute Settlement Mechanism

Keyword :
1 Dispute Settlement

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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