Contemporary Conflicts in Southeast Asia

Subtitle : towards a new ASEAN way of conflicts management

Abstract :
This book looks at major contemporary conflicts -intra and interstate- in Southeast Asia from a conflict management perspective. Starting with the view that the conventional ASEAN conflict-management methods have ceased to be effective, it looks for new conflict-management patterns and trends by investigating seven contemporary cases of conflict in the region. Focusing on the incompatibilities involved in each case and examining how they have been managed-whether by integration, co-existence, elimination or maneuvering around the conflict-the book sheds new light on the significance of managing conflict in achieving and maintaining the stability of the Southeast Asian region. It makes a significant theoretical contribution to the field of peace and conflict studies by proposing the concept of "mediation regime" as the key to understanding current conflict management within ASEAN.

Registration No : B1955
Author :
Mikio Oishi (ed.)

Edition :
Impresum : Singapore: Springer, 2016
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-981-10-0040-9

1. 000 - ASEAN / 060.3 - LEGAL COOPERATION - Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution - Dispute Settlement Mechanism

Keyword :

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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