Intellectual Property Text and Cases

Subtitle :

Abstract :
As in previous editions it provides a comprehensive, in-depth and engaging exposition of the principles of Intellectual Property Law and selected case extracts that illustrate the law s evolution and challenges. It covers Copyright, Moral Rights, Performers Protection, Patents, Trade Marks, Passing Off and related actions, Designs, Plant Breeder s Rights, Circuit Layouts and Confidential Information. The book includes extracts from the most important cases in the field as well as helpful tables to guide the reader through the legislation.

Registration No : B2057
Author :
Rocque Reynolds and Nathalie Stoianoff

Edition : third edition
Impresum : Annandale: Federation Press, 2008
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-186287-677-4

1. 200 - ECONOMIC COMMUNITY / 240.4 - COMPETITIVE ECONOMIC - Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Keyword :
1 IP

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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