Sawyer Guide for International Auditors Volume 1

Subtitle :

Abstract :
First published in 1973, Larry Sawyer's work has helped guide many internal auditors and shaped the profession. While the foundation principles of internal auditing remain core, the ever changing global business environment requires that internal auditors continue to adapt their position as value adding partners in their organizations or risk becoming obsolete. Sawyer s philosophy was that internal auditors should watch for emerging trends while keeping pace with changes in The IIA's International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards), IT, legislation, and regulations and to respond effectively to international events and evolving governance and risk management mandates. This 6th edition is a 3 volume set, making the content more navigable for the reader, and each volume includes an index and glossary for easy reference.

Registration No : B2353
Author :
Institute of Internal Auditor

Edition :
Impresum : Florida: The Institute of International Auditors, 2012
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-0-89413-72-1

1. 000 - ASEAN / 040 - BUGDET & FINANCE

Keyword :
1 Audit

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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