Proceedings of the Korea-ASEAN Coopeartion Project (KACP) on Education and Exchange Program for Young Scholars in Women Studies Phase 2

Subtitle : uncovering Korea-ASEAN Women Lived Realities through feminist research

Abstract :
The Korea-ASEAN Cooperation Project (KACP) on Education and Exchange Program for Young Scholars in Women Studies is a regional project of the Asian Association of Women Studies (AAWS), a non-government and non-profit international organization, which provides an institutional basis for feminist education and research and links associations of women studies, research institutions, resource centers, as well as individual scholars and practitioners interested in and committed to addressing issues of common interest to women in Asia.

Registration No : B2391
Author :
Asian Association of Women Studies

Edition :
Impresum : [Penang]: Asian Association of Women Studies, [2014]
Description :
Language : English



Keyword :

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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