International Investment Arbitration

Subtitle : substantive principles

Abstract :
Arbitration of overseas investment disputes is one of the fastest growing areas of international dispute resolution. The exponential growth of international investment in recent years has led to the signature of over two thousand Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) between foreign states, in addition to a wealth of multilateral treaties and other forms of concession agreements. The legal principles that have developed in this area are subject to intense debate, and are still in a state of flux. While tribunals routinely state that they are applying principles of public international law to determine disputes, many of the principles applied have only been developed recently in the context of investment treaty arbitrations, and tribunals are often guided more by the approaches taken by other tribunals, than by pre-existing doctrines of public international law. International Investment Arbitration: Substantive Principles is an important contribution to the collection and codification of the current state of practice in this field.

Registration No : B2484
Author :
Campbell McLachlan QC, Laurance Shore and Matthew Weiniger

Edition :
Impresum : New York: Oxford University Press, 2007
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-0-19-928664-5


Keyword :
1 Arbitration

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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