Sufficiency Thinking: Thailand gift to unsustainable world

Subtitle :

Abstract :
The first systematic account of the powerful decision-making framework which is being applied across all areas of life in Thailand to build a fair, resilient and sustainable economy and society. In this book, chapters written by eminent Thai scholars explain sufficiency thinking and review its implementation in different sectors including community development, business, agriculture, healthcare, schools, and even in prisons.

Registration No : B2821
Author :
Gayle C. Avery and Harald Bergsteiner

Edition :
Impresum : Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 2016
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-1-76029-446-5

1. 000 - ASEAN / 010.9 - MEMBER STATES - Thailand

Keyword :

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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