In Buddha Land: visions of Buddhist Myanmar

Subtitle :

Abstract :
A spectacular panoramic view of the lives of the Buddhist faithful of Myanmar, as revealed by award-winning Burmese photographer Moe Min. Through images of Buddhist ritual, moments of solitary worship and joyous festivals as well as of temples, shrines and sacred images, the viewer is introduced to the lives of the lay practitioners and monks of this deeply religious land. With images of world-renowned sites such as Bagan and the Shwedagon, as well as of remote locations rarely reached by the foreign visitor, this book is essential both for those who are well acquainted with this ancient, picturesque land and for those who are not, but wish to be.

Registration No : B2936
Author :
Moe Min

Edition :
Impresum : Bangkok: Orchid Press, 2007
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-974-524-072-8

1. 000 - ASEAN / 010.6 - MEMBER STATES - Myanmar

Keyword :
1 Myanmar
2 Buddhism
3 Photography

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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