Development and Challenge

Subtitle : Southeast Asia in the New Millennium

Abstract :
As Southeast Asia sheds its colonial vest, its development and transformation into young nation-states pick up momentum as globalization and technology become the backdrop of the new millennium. Some of the most crucial issues confronting Southeast Asia today are addressed in this volume as ASEAN takes stock of its achievements after three decades and recaptures its vision for the new millennium. The post colonial era in the region signaled a reconceptualization of geographical space as Southeast Asian countries established themselves territorially and harnessed their energies to work collectively in the new global equation. This led to formation of organizations, such as ASEAN, AFTA and the economic growth triangles, which represent a clear Southeast Asian voice internationally. Paradoxically, development in Southeast Asia brings new challenges as globalization and new economic trends lead

Registration No : B550
Author :
Wong Tai-Chee
Mohan Singh

Edition :
Impresum : Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Academic, 1999
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-9812101518

1. 200 - ECONOMIC COMMUNITY / 290.1 - INITIATIVE for ASEAN INTEGRATION (IAI) - Narrowing the Development Gap (NDG)

Keyword :
1 development
2 millenium

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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