ASEAN Community Statistical System (ACSS)

Subtitle : A Stronger Mandate on ASEAN Statistical Cooperation

Abstract :
The AFCS 2010-2015 defines the ACSS as the “partnership between and among the national statistical systems of the ASEAN Member States, the ASEAN Community Councils, and the ASEAN Secretariat”. It shall comprise: the ACSS Committee, the national statistical systems of all ASEAN Member States, the ASEAN Secretariat ASEAN Community Statistical System 3 through ASEANstats, and the ASEAN Community Councils as primary stakeholders. The national statistical authorities of the ASEAN Member States and the ASEAN Secretariat, through its statistics section, shall be engaged in partnership with all concerned ASEAN bodies and working groups and task forces under the three pillars of the ASEAN Community and together define the ASEAN Community Statistical System.

Registration No : B565
Author :
ASEAN Secretariat

Edition :
Impresum : Jakarta: ASEAN Secretariat, 2012
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-602-7643-24-6

1. 000 - ASEAN / 090.2 - STATISTICS - Statistical Systems, Statistical Policies, Standardization, Classifications, and Methodologies

Keyword :
1 statistic
2 asean

Availability :
Hard copies 4 of 4

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