Subtitle : forging new linkages and strategic alliance

Abstract :
ASEAN & EU: Forging New Linkages and Strategic Alliances edited by Chia Siow Yue and Joseph L.H. Tan.In this volume the substantive coverage of diverse topics of macroeconomic and microeconomic issues concerning the interactions of ASEAN and the European Union will contribute to the continuing discussions and debates set off by ASEM's policy agenda: to forge a "New Comprehensive Asia-Europe Partnership for Greater Growth". What new linkages in trade and investment should and can be designed to stimulate growth and development? While co-operative mechanisms can be created, yet conflicts arising from international competition are unavoidable. How then can institutional obstacles and problems be overcome in a positive way? What new strategic alliances at the firm-level and country-level can be formulated to enhance economic welfare and distributional benefits for both ASEAN and the EU? These are some of the issues and questions examined in the various contributions by authors from ASEAN and the EU. The subjects of the papers include ASEAN and EU perspectives on Emerging Business Opportunities from European and ASEAN Integration; the Scope and Relevance of Strategic Alliances from the EU Perspective; Obstacles to Closer Trade and Investment Links; and What can ASEAN Learn from the Experience of European Integration?

Registration No : B737
Author :
Chia Siow Yue and Joseph L.H Tan (eds)

Edition :
Impresum : Singapore: ISEAS, 1997
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 981-3055-63-4


Keyword :
1 EU

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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