Indonesia Economic Crisis

Subtitle : Effects on Agriculture and Policy Responses

Abstract :
This book, Indonesia's Economic Crisis: Effects on Agricultural and Policy Responses, is to present a set of papers presented and discussed at the international seminar.Indonesia agricultural sector during turbulence of economic crisis: Lessons and future directions, 17-18 february 1999, Bogor-Indonesia. Th primary purpose of the seminar, was to draw the lessons from painful economic crisis to help guide the future directions of Indonesia's development strategy, especially o the proper roles of the agricultural sector which has been overlooked too often during the previous years.

Registration No : B784
Author :
Pantjar Simatupang
Sahat Pasaribu
sjaiful Bahri []

Edition :
Impresum : Australia: Centre for International Economic Studies University, 1999
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 0 86396 467 2

1. 000 - ASEAN / 010.3 - MEMBER STATES - Indonesia

Keyword :

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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