The Monetary and Banking Development of ingapore and Malaysua

Subtitle : Winner of the Singapore National Book Development Council Award 1976

Abstract :
In this second edition, this book has been brought up-to-date and the historical part has been condensed and shortened. The financial structures and monetary policies of the two countries have been expanded. There is much more econometric-statistical analysis in this edition, particularly in Part Five. Monetary analysis is highlighted more in this edition.

Registration No : B788
Author :
Lee Sheng-yi

Edition : Second Edition
Impresum : Singapore: Singapore University Press Ltd., 1974
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 9971690985

1. 200 - ECONOMIC COMMUNITY / 270.1 - FINANCE INTEGRATION - Capital Market Development (CMD)

Keyword :
1 moneter
2 banking
3 development

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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