The History of the Filipino People

Subtitle : Tadhana

Abstract :
This book "Archipelagic Genesis:, is the first part of volume one (foundations of Filipino culture) of President Marcos's 19-part, four-volume Tadhana: The History of the People. readers of this narrative on Philippine history, the most extensive ever attempted so far by any hisorian, are of course aware that although this is the very first book in the series, it is being published only after three books of a later historical sequence have seen print. Tadhana is the first work on Philipine history that conceives prehistory as a necessary part of history.

Registration No : B842
Author :
Ferdinand E.Marcos

Edition : 1
Impresum : Philippines: Ferdinand E.Marcos, 1980
Description :
Language : English


1. 000 - ASEAN / 010.7 - MEMBER STATES - Philippines

Keyword :
1 philipines
2 tadhana

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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