Charting a New Course

Subtitle : ASEAN-UN Post-Nargis Partnership

Abstract :
This publication focuses on the unprecedented humanitarian partnership between ASEAN and the UN that Nargis necessitated, which included jointly assessing, planning and monitoring relief and recovery and mobilising funds for the ongoing effort. Through this novel coalition, ASEAN and the UN managed to accentuate our comparative strengths, transcend the sum of our parts and demonstrate what multilateral institutions can achieve when they work together in response to a disaster. Through this publication, we wish to share within and across the region what we have gained from our experience carrying out ASEAN first-ever large-scale humanitarian operation in a Member State. It is our sincere hope that our lessons will be of service to others and our best practices replicated in the event of future disasters.

Registration No : B879
Author :
Asean Secretariat

Edition :
Impresum : Jakarta: ASEAN Secretariat, 2010
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-602-8411-41-7

1. 300 - SOSIO-CULTURAL COMMUNITY / 350.1 - DISASTER MANAGEMENT & HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE - Disaster Management and Emergency Response

Keyword :

Availability :
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