ASEAN Towards the 21st Century

Subtitle : A Thirty-year Review of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Abstract :
Asean is now at a cross-roads. Its imminent enlargement to a 10 member regional grouping will pose a number of challenges in terms of accommodation and adherence to established norms. In the past decade, policy makers have faced an avalanche of challenges. notably in the sphere of new trading arrangements, and in the rather nebulous area of what constitutes a basic violation of human rights, and related efforts to establish a nexus between them. Then there is the spectre of retaliatory measures to bludgeon ballooning trade surpluses, discriminatory practices and worst of all, protectionism, which assumes a variety of guises. The emergence of a global marketplace, increased international trade and increasing affluence, especially among developing economies, have impacted heavily upon the manner in which governments have had to manage their economies, and more to the point, the aspirations of their people. The totality of these momentous challenges has probably not quite taken root fully, but as it does it will have far-reaching consequences and shape the destiny of nations and their citizens in the next century. The impact on Asia and Asean countries, in particular, will be indelible. This retrospective on Asean serves as a useful guide, especially for students in the region who may not be fully aware of the meaningful milestones achieved over the past three decades. The next millennium will no doubt be full of promise, yet fraught with uncertainties which will inevitably emerge. Asean should evolve into a more resilient and influential regional body in the years ahead.

Registration No : B940
Author :
Ranjit Gill

Edition :
Impresum : England: ASEAN Academic Press LTD, 1997
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 1-901-919-005

1. 000 - ASEAN / 010 - MEMBER STATES

Keyword :
1 asean

Availability :
Hard copies 2 of 2

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