Asset Recovery and Mutual Legal Assistance in Asia and the Pacific

Subtitle :

Abstract :
Asian-Pacific countries have made significant efforts to address weaknesses in their procurement frameworks and practices. To support these efforts and to assist the ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative’s 28 member countries in strengthening their public-procurement mechanisms, the Initiative conducted a Regional Seminar on Fighting Bribery in Public Procurement in November 2007. This volume compiles the experience that experts from Asian and Pacific countries – as well as beyond the region – shared during the seminar. It is addressed to policy makers and experts who wish to learn from other countries’ experiences in strengthening frameworks to protect public procurement from bribery and corruption risks.

Registration No : B1122
Author :
Asian Development Bank

Edition :
Impresum : Indonesia: AsiaDevelopment Bank, 2007
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-92-64-05572-8

1. 000 - ASEAN / 060.2 - LEGAL COOPERATION - Legal Assistance

Keyword :
1 legal
2 asia

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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