The Antitrust Religion

Subtitle :

Abstract :
Rockefeller vividly shows how antitrust has been transformed into a quasi-religious faith. He explains that this “antitrust religion” relies on economic theories that bestow a veneer of objectivity and credibility on law enforcement practices that actually rely on hunch and whim. On issues such as mergers and price fixing, Rockefeller thoroughly examines arbitrary antitrust laws that lead to ill-informed juries and bureaucratic abuse. He concludes that those laws also create a perverse incentive for entrepreneurs to hold down sales volume and avoid improvements in price, quality, and service. Otherwise, such entrepreneurs could become the next targets of the antitrust priests. The Antitrust Religion will greatly assist business professionals, journalists, policymakers, professors, judges, and all others interested in government regulation of business in understanding how our antitrust laws actually work.

Registration No : B2058
Author :
Edwin S. Rockefeller

Edition :
Impresum : Washington DC: Cato Institute, 2007
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-1-933995-09-0


Keyword :

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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