Cambodia Basic Energy Plan

Subtitle :

Abstract :
The Cambodia Basic Energy Plan is the first ever publication of energy policy targets with numerical values, as much as possible, for each energy field such as oil, electricity supply, renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy security, and the energy outlook. This basic energy plan applies a common approach to analysing each energy field including current issues and establishing the appropriate targets for solving the issues, and provides action plans, polices, and roadmaps for achieving those targets. The plan aims for energy supply to Cambodia with affordability and accessibility, and it provides suggestions for creating a transparent energy market. The plan sets out many medium-term targets. These targets will need to be reviewed every 5 years after the government implementation of programmes and actions aimed at achieving the targets set.

Registration No : B2972
Author :

Edition :
Impresum : Jakarta: ERIA, 2019
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 978-602-5460-12-8


Keyword :
1 Cambodia
2 Energy Plan

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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