Southeast Asia in the New Century

Subtitle : an asian perspective

Abstract :
The main objective of this book is to examine the development of Southeast Asia in the new century from different perspectives, as the various contributing authors explore and discuss the opportunities and challenges facing it. While several articles are in the discipline of political science, there are also articles from the perspectives of economics, education, and political economy. Perhaps more importantly, the contributors of the articles in this book are from several countries in Asia, including Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, China and Australia. They were born, and grew up, in Asia, and were educated in both Asia and North America. They thus have the advantage of a better understanding of the area.

Registration No : B545
Author :
Samuel C.Y.Ku (ed.)

Edition :
Impresum : Kaohsiung, Taiwan : Center for Southeast Asian Studies, National Sun Yat-sen University , 2002
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 9971-69-262-7

1. 200 - ECONOMIC COMMUNITY / 200 -

Keyword :
1 development

Availability :
Hard copies 1 of 1

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