Transforming Traditions

Subtitle : Architecture in the ASEAN Countries

Abstract :
This monograph is a compilation of six country essays on the subject of architecture, each represent an aspect of the cultural heritage of the original members of the ASEAN. This publication represent efforts by learned colleagues who together with the writer at the ASEAN publication series, Conference for Scholar and Editors on the 18th-20th July 1995 at Langkawi, Malaysia. The approaches are diverse as are the language structure and style.

Registration No : B704
Author :
Jon Lim (ed.)

Edition :
Impresum : Singapore: Unique Press, 2001
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 981043696

1. 300 - SOSIO-CULTURAL COMMUNITY / 310.1 - CULTURE & INFORMATION - Culture and Arts

Keyword :
1 tradition
2 architecture

Availability :
Hard copies 2 of 2

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