AFTA Reader

Subtitle : Volume 4: The Fifth ASEAN Summit

Abstract :
This Fourth Volume of' the AFTA Reader focuses on the latest decisions on the CEPT Scheme for AFTA announced at the Fifth ASEAN Summit in December 1995 in Bangkok, Thailand. The Summit endorsed Member Countries' revised ten-year tariff reduction schedules and announced various trade facilitation measures, particularly, the elimination of non-tariff barriers, harmonization of customs and product standards. In addition, decisions were also made to explore ways to further accelerate AFTA to the year 2000 and to eliminate all tariffs by the year 2003. Important documents on AFTA were signed at the Summit; these are reproduced in this Volume and their significance explained. This Volume also highlights the progress made in the implementation of the CEPT Scheme for AFTA since the Summit. particularly with respect to the inclusion of unprocessed agricultural products. A Milestone has been achieved with the agreement to phase in all agricultural products by the year 2010. This makes the CEPT Agreement one of' the most comprehensive free trade arrangements in the world and reflects the seriousness of ASEAN Governments in moving towards achieving AFTA. Vietnam formally acceded to the CEPT Agreement at the Summit, and this Volume explains some of her commitments under AFTA. It also contains a brief description of Vietnam’s trade regime as well as an analysis of her products submitted for tariff reduction tinder the CEPT Scheme. The integration of Vietnam into AFTA would enlarge the ASEAN market further and promote the attractiveness of the region to foreign direct investments. This issue continues the tradition of a Question and Answer (Q & A) section and an analysis of the latest intra-ASEAN trade figures. The Q & A section is essentially the Secretariat's response to the myriad of queries we have received regarding AFTA. We also welcome comments and suggestions for improving the AFTA Reader. Finally, the ASEAN Secretariat has launched an ASEAN HomePage called the ASEANWEB, which includes up-to-date information on ASEAN in general and on AFTA in particular.

Registration No : B836
Author :
Asean Secretariat

Edition :
Impresum : Jakarta: ASEAN Secretariat, 1996
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 085462233337


Keyword :
2 agricultural
3 product

Availability :
Hard copies 18 of 18

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