
Subtitle : A Source Book on ASEAN Crafts

Abstract :
This book has four main parts. t consists mostly of the papers presented in the ASEAN craft forum in Manila in October 1997. The first part includes the country papers followed by two sections with matrices developed from the papers. The first matrix outlines the data from the papers according to craft forms while the second outlines the data in terms of issues and topics. The fourth part of the book contains a selection of case studies on crafts revitalization. These case studies were commissioned after the conference. The book ends with an appendix section that contains craft bibliographies; Final Report of the October 1997 ASEAN conference; an article by Professor Felipe De Leon, Jr.,on concepts of rt and craft; and a list of proposed projects.

Registration No : B951
Author :
Victorino M. Manalo

Edition :
Impresum : Kuala Lumpur: ASEAN Committee on Culture and Information, 2000
Description :
Language : English

ISBN 9718715142

1. 300 - SOSIO-CULTURAL COMMUNITY / 310.1.1 - CULTURE & INFORMATION - Culture and Arts - Conservation and Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Keyword :
1 interweavings
2 craft

Availability :
Hard copies 3 of 3

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